NVBA Club director contact information

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Phillip Articola
Home: 703-509-9407
Email: philliparticola@gmail.com
Marilyn Batra
Cell: 471-398-6963
Email: marilynbatra@aol.com
Jim Campbell
Home: 301-754-1942
Email: jim@jrcampbelljr.name
James Cartlidge
Home: 301-606-2894
Email: jacartlidge@comcast.net
Neil Cowie
Home: 202-329-9935
Email: neilmcowie@gmail.com
David Coughlin
Home: 301-580-4951
Email: dbcofsm@gmail.com
Dave Domnitch
Home: 703-424-8112
Email: barefoottutor@gmail.com
Regena Edwards
Home: 301-776-8511
Email: rleteach@gmail.com
Brenda Egeland
Cell: 240-506-3936
Email: brendaegeland@gmail.com
Jim Gerding
Cell: 703-268-9173
Email: NVBAPC@gmail.com
Marilyn Golias
Cell: 703-629-8932
Email: mttaborbridge@aol.com
Keith Hafen
Cell: 562-304-6834
Email: keith@oxroadbridge.com
Judy Houseknecht
Home: 240-777-4999
Email: ladyhaus@verizon.net
Livingston Johnson
Home: 703-591-0014
Email: snowpusher@cox.net
Mark Lavine
Cell: 301-503-3348
Email: mark.j.lavine@gmail.com
Kay Markell
Home: 571-333-1794
Cell: 703-577-0596
Email: lmarkell@aol.com
Craig Pritzker
Home: 703-491-0993
Email: pritzkerc@comcast.net
Kermit Quick
Home: 703-360-8678
Cell: 703-399-1914
Email: keq@cox.net
Lloyd Rawley
Cell: 240-535-9429
Email: lloydthevoid@hotmail.com
Elaine Reynolds
Cell: 301-934-4470
Email: clarkcenterbridge@gmail.com
Dave Rubin (Text or Email PREFERRED)
Home: 703-668-7729
Cell: 703-887-6666
Email: director@loudounbridge.com
Barbara Steingaszner
Home: 703-799-0433
Email: lazbarstein@hotmail.com
Ednamae Trevey
Home: 703-293-2904
Email: ednamae@hers.com
Katherine Walker
Email: playgunchic@gmail.com
Lenore Ward
Home: 703-203-8961
Email: lennie20@comcast.net