NVBA Unit game lectures
The lists always show the oldest lecture first. Upcoming lectures are listed with the topic in black. You can click on any blue item to help locate a specific lecture. Click on a dd-mm-yy date to list all lectures during that year. Click on a Presenter's name to list all of their talks. Click on a lecture Type to list all lectures of that type. Click on the Topic name to view and print the handout for that lecture. Click here to VIEW ALL LECTURES to display the entire lecture list. Click here to VIEW UPCOMING LECTURES to display only upcoming lectures.
dd-mm-yy | Presenter | Type | Topic |
06-Mar-19 | Marty Bley | Bidding | Oscar the Opener |
13-Mar-19 | Marty Bley | Bidding | Olivia the Overcaller |
20-Mar-19 | Marty Bley | Bidding | Rita the Responder |
27-Mar-19 | Marty Bley | Bidding | Adam the Advancer |
26-Sep-19 | Marty Bley | Declarer | Maximizing your tricks Part 1 |
17-Oct-19 | Marty Bley | Misc | Q and A on hands |
dd-mm-yy | Presenter | Type | Topic |
31-Oct-19 | Marty Bley | Declarer | Q and A on hands |
07-Nov-19 | Marty Bley | Declarer | Doubles |
05-Dec-19 | Marty Bley | Declarer | Counting Tricks |
12-Dec-19 | Marty Bley | Declarer | Lead TOWARDS an honor |
20-Feb-20 | Marty Bley | Declarer | Trick Questions |